Age of Empires III: Wars of Liberty Wiki

Candomblé is an African religion mixed with Christian values.

Babalorixás have a strong hand attack.

This religion is available to the following civilizations:


Name Cost Description
RELIGIONcandomble01 Oro Leaves 200 Resource food, 200 Resource fame After 10 minutes of having researched this technology, your Villagers will gain +10% gather rates.
RELIGIONcandomble02 Trance 200 Resource food, 300 Resource fame An unknown state of mind. Slaves, Baqueanos, and Babalorixás have 20% more hitpoints.
RELIGIONcandomble03 Cowrie Shell Divination 200 Resource food, 200 Resource fame Reveals the location of all fishes and whales on the map.
RELIGIONcandomble04 Carnival Dance 600 Resource food, 1000 Resource fame Greatly cheapens the price of Slave Trade. Slave Trade costs 40% less Coin. Your villagers also generate a tiny trickle of Experience.
RELIGIONcandomble05 Occultism 800 Resource food, 800 Resource fame All your units gain +15 Line of Sight.
RELIGIONcandomble06 Cult to the Orixá 2000 Resource food, 4000 Resource fame The greatest of the Candomblé gods grants a magic strength to your forces. Military units gain 30% more hitpoints.

